“There was a time before, and there will be a time after.”
I think it is imperative that I start to live my life with a new mantra. I’ve decided that that mantra will be, “There was a time before, and there will be a time after.” Maybe this way, I can put some of my worries at ease. I can take solace in knowing that an end will come, at some point.
The interesting and ironic thing is that, usually, I hate the end of things; I am very afraid of death. So, I guess the mantra is twofold: there was a time before me, and there will be a time after me. Could someone be afraid of the phrase that they are going to live by?
It could also be interpreted as, there was a time before this issue, and there will be a time after it, too. That way, I could at least attempt to learn to stop trying to control and manipulate things. Though it sounds childish, I want things to go my way during the time in between; the time that lies between the beginning of something and its corresponding end.
Maybe part of the journey is learning to accept what happens during that elapsed time. I can’t be happy all the time, though I wish I could be. Who doesn’t want to their in-between to be happy and enjoyable?
I am learning; I’m learning to be ok with the in between, and I’m learning to be ok with my new mantra. I did decide to implicate it, after all. I am trying my best to live life to the fullest during the in-between, regardless of what the beginning and end are. And that’s ok.